Sailing in Solidarity
a support project for young people in crisis
Aurelien Gard
but well surrounded

“ Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much. ”
Helen Keller
the project in brief
This project is a dream come true, mine. To bridge the gap between my convictions as a social worker and my passion for sailing.
Become an ocean racer and cross the Atlantic using only the power of the wind, solo and racing, on the smallest ocean racing boats in existence: Mini 6.50s. All solo, but conveying a message of solidarity!
To achieve this goal, I want to build a human, collective, serious and competitive project. I want it to correspond to my values and those of my partners. Take the necessary time, not burn the stages in order to present ourselves to the maximum of our capacities on the starting line of the Mini Transat 2029.
Having started from nothing or almost nothing, having grown together towards the same objective:
This is the beginning of the story we can tell!